Non residents
Translation and interpreting
Public service, private matters, etc.
Application Foreigner Identification Number (NIE)
General management
Tax Office, SUMA,Town Hall, etc.
Non Resident Spanish Tax
Assets with own occupation or rental.
Non Resident certificates
Application digital signature
Post Service
Digital coaching
Translation and interpreting
Public service, private matters, etc.
Application for Residents in Spain
Registration in the national health system and Tax Office.
Personal income tax
Declaration on rights and assets abroad
Resident certificates
Application digital signature
Post Service
Digital coaching
Real state
Pre-contractual checking and control
- Correct registration of the property in the Land Registry, encumbrances, mortgages.
- Verification of being up to date with the payment of supplies contracts, SUMA and Owners’ Community.
- Verification of town planning situation. Certificate of no urban development infraction.
- Verification of the Habitability License.
- Verification of current energy certificate. -
Multilingual drafting of purchase contracts
Advice on obtaining mortgage credit
Arranging and accompanying notary appointments
Submission of purchase tax
Processing title changes
SUMA, supplies contract, home insurance, Owners’ community.
Registration in the Land Registry Book
Pre-contractual arrangements:
- Financial advice on tax obligations for the sale of the property.
- Valuations.
- Verification of the registration of the property in the Land Registry
- Obtaining a Certificate of no urban development infraction.
- Obtaining a Habitability License.
- Obtaining Energy Certificate. -
Drafting of multilingual purchase contract
Arranging and accompaniment to the notary's appointment
Submission of taxes for the sale. Plusvalia and Capital Gains Tax
Changes of ownership
In land Cadastre, SUMA, contract supplies, home insurance, Owners’ Community.
Pre-contractual arrangements:
- Financial and tax advice for the rental of the property.
- Obtaining a Licence of Habitability.
- Obtaining a Tourist Licence: Tourist Use Housing Register at the Generalitat Valenciana.
- Obtaining Energy Certificate.
- Digital Certificate. -
Drawing up a temporary/annual rental contract
Submission of rental taxes for non Residents
Plannings, Wills, Testaments and Gifts
Living will
Advance directives document
Health care powers of attorney
Advice on gifts and their tax implications
Drafting of multilingual notarial wills
For residents and non-residents
Inheritance process
With or without last will
Other services
Intermediation in claims
Between individuals, banks, insurance companies, etc
Management and contracting of insurance
Home, health, civil liability, vehicle...
Management of the registry of high-speed vessels (REOENSAV)
Displacement and accompaniment service for trips due to reduced mobility
Supervision of the property in Spain
Attention to manage technical services.